
The Most Common Dissertation Writing Problems

If there’s one reason why people quit pursuing a Ph.D., it would definitely have to be writing a thesis. Even if you’ve been a great student during all the years of your studies and know your major really, really well, it doesn’t mean you won’t struggle with your thesis.

Whether you feel like that your dissertation is sucking all the joy out of your life, perhaps you shouldn’t keep struggling. You can find a Ph.D. writer who will do part of your thesis or even all of it — from start to finish. Go to the dissertation writing service in the UK and take care of your trouble instead of stressing out about it.

There are three major problems that create immense roadblocks in writing a thesis, and not just writing but finishing it. Let’s see what these are.

Procrastination is more enticing than ever

If you’d considered yourself a procrastinator all the time during your regular studies, just wait till you start doing your thesis. When you are in the middle of your biggest scientific work, you will find each possible distraction to be most enticing. You’ll be holding tight in your attempt to justify it, just to delay the challenges of actually doing what you should.

After that, the guilt trip follows, of course. No matter how much fun you had, you won’t be content because your thesis will always be on the back of your mind, spoiling it for you. When you actually make yourself write something, you’re bound to feel tired right away and overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done.

Misunderstandings between you and your supervisor

You come to these meetings with your professor who is not always excited about your work even if you actually did your best. You receive constant criticism, and quite often it feels unjust.

Sometimes students are stuck with a supervisor who doesn’t give a damn about their thesis at all. This is perhaps the most deeply frustrating situation. Other students discuss how their supervisors are there for them, all so cool and invested, and yours is just doing nothing. This is devastating.

Your mind feels wrecked

It’s, in fact, a psychological phenomenon — the more work a person has, the less efficient the day is. People tend to feel overwhelmed by the amount of work on their to-do lists, don’t know where to start and usually do nothing at all.

This is especially true for Ph.D. students. When you need to write that thesis, you can clearly see all the sleepless nights ahead, and that thought alone is enough to discourage even the most motivated students. It’s great if you have someone to control your productivity (it could be your supervisor) but if not, you are on your own.

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